Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector (Easy FIX!)

Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector
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Don’t freak out if you try to recharge your device and the message “Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector” appears. This notice is issued often.

Your phone’s charging connector is moist, as evidenced by the iPhone notice “Liquid Suspected in Lightning Connector.”

You may use it, but then only when the port gets dry, you won’t get to use a lightning connector.

However, while waiting, you may use a charger that requires no chord!

What does it mean if there is liquid in a lightning connector?

The charging port on your iPhone is known as a “lightning connector.” The charging port on your phone or the lightning charging cable may be wet if you receive the “Liquid suspected in Lightning Connector” notice.

There are several ways for this to occur. But then, the following are some typical ones:

  • Showering: If it happens that you are with your device in the restroom in the act of showering, the humidity might rise quite a bit, accumulating moisture within your charging area.
  • Water droplets while it’s raining: If you find yourself outside during a downpour, your phone may become wet.
  • Jumping into the water while holding your device in your pocket will cause it to become wet!
  • Another guaranteed method to get your iPhone wet is to spill coffee or water on it.

Okay, so when I was taking a shower, I dropped my smartphone in the bathroom.

But what? In any case, isn’t my iPhone water-resistant?

Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector

What happens if my smartphone is waterproof?

Apple’s current generation of iPhones includes water resistance. Your iPhone is indeed water-resistant if it is an iPhone Eight or a higher version.

Despite being designed to be resistant to water, your device is very much open to damage on exposure to fluid. water-resistant iPhones are not waterproof meaning that if any form of moisture comes into touch with the metal parts of your phone, they might still be affected and stop operating correctly.

The metal pins in your lighting compartment operate similarly.

But the liquid shouldn’t do any long-lasting harm as there isn’t an electric current flowing through these metal pins.

Because of this, once your phone senses moisture within the lighting connector, Apple immediately turns it off.

A current might cause the connecting strip to fail and the metal to corrode.

How to proceed if fluid is found in a lighting connector

To begin with, I strongly advise against using the “Emergency Override” feature; instead, give your phone enough time to get dried.

You may even continue using your phone exactly as it is if you want to! Simply click “Dismiss.” That shouldn’t be a problem and won’t do any more harm.

Simply don’t connect anything to it!

In the event of liquid getting into your lightning connector, I will advise you do the following to save your phone:

  • Unplug any cords or extras that are attached to your device.
  • Hold your device so that the Lightning compartment is facing down. Firmly press your phone on the palm of your hand to assist push any fluid outside the port.
  • Put your device somewhere dry, airy, and open.
  • Before attempting to recharge your smartphone once more, wait at least 30 minutes.

If the “Liquid Suspected in Lightning Connector” notice appears once again, liquid may still be present between the Lightning pins. Before trying to get it recharged, you should wait at least 30 more minutes.

Till the displayed alert disappears, keep doing this.

Many iPhone owners, according to what I’ve heard, had to keep waiting for about twenty-four hours for their phones to fully dry and the alert to disappear.

Consequently, exercise patience!

Charging Wirelessly

The great news is that the suggestions I made above presuppose that you only have a lightning wire charger.

While you hold on for the lightning compartment to get dried, you can use a cordless charger if you have one.

Therefore, as you hold on for the device to completely dry off, you may use it and charge it at the same time.

This happened to me just now. My iPhone dropped into the tub as I was bathing my son, submerging itself for around ten seconds.

I received the warning notice “Liquid Suspected in Lightning Connector” as soon as I tried to charge it with a lighting wire.

As a result, I kept making use of my phone and used my cordless charger to recharge it later that day.

It worked perfectly. My device was completely dry the following day, and the lightning charger once more functioned.

If you don’t already own a charger that uses no chord, Apple offers one called the MagSafe charger, but there are also a whole lot of aftermarket choices available on Amazon.

Remember that you’ll require an iPhone Eight or higher version to have this feature!

Wireless charging is not available in earlier generations.

What not to do if fluid has been found in a lighting connector

Online, there are lots of incorrect advice regarding iPhones with liquid damage. The majority of this advice doesn’t truly cure your equipment; in fact, it frequently makes things worse!

Please refrain from doing any of the following, even though I understand how tempting it might be to try to hasten the drying process:

  • Never place your device in a bag of silica gel or rice.
  • A hair dryer or radiator should not be used to dry your iPhone.
  • Do not place anything, such as a Q-tip or a napkin in the lighting compartment.

Again, the best course of action is to be patient and allow your iPhone to air dry naturally over time.

Even though I realize it’s not what you expected to hear, please be patient.

You may want to ask if you can use a hair dryer or insert a napkin through the charging port to hasten things along.

Sure. But keep in mind that you incur the danger of lasting harm.

When should you ignore a liquid detection alert?

Even though it’s never a good idea to recharge your device while it’s wet, there are some circumstances in which you might be willing to take the chance.

It is feasible to disable the alarm and charge your cell phone in these dire circumstances.

It bears emphasizing that doing this carries the danger of irreparably destroying your phone.

Electricity and water don’t mix.

However, if you want to ignore the warning, you should first properly dry your iPhone’s exterior before thinking about charging it wirelessly. Reconnect the lighting cord or accessories as soon as the liquid detection notice shows to override it.

If the liquid detection notice reappears, select “Emergency Override” from the menu.

Faulty Emergency Override

Usually, choosing “Emergency Override” will let you successfully charge your iPhone despite the notice.

Though sometimes the alert disappears after you click this override, your iPhone won’t charge. It looks like Apple still hasn’t corrected this glitch. Fortunately, there are some solutions to remedy or prevent this:

  • To restart the iPhone forcibly, select dismiss. Click the volume up and down buttons, then hold down the side button while you wait for the Apple logo to flash on the screen.
  • Always use Apple-branded chargers! For whatever reason, aftermarket chargers raise this alarm.
  • Whenever feasible, charge wirelessly via MagSafe.

What if my iPhone recognizes liquid even if it is dry?

When you are convinced that your device and its lightning connectors are not wet, you may occasionally still get the liquid suspected notice.

It’s very likely that your device is fresh new or that you gave it plenty of time to dry out.

If that is the case, bring a torchlight and look for dust and dirt within your Lightning port.

The liquid sensors in your iPhone might become confused by obstructions in the Lightning connector. If anything is discovered, you can blow it out using compressed air to protect the metal pins.

If you can’t see any dirt after beaming light into the port, there’s a good chance that either your iPhone’s Lightning port or the item you’re trying to use is damaged.

You will need to contact Apple support at this time.

Contact Apple Support

The Apple One-Year Limited Warranty does not cover liquid damage if your phone does sustain water damage.

You may check the Liquid Contact Indicator on your phone to see whether this is the case (LCI). When it comes in touch with water, the LCI activates and becomes red.

Depending on the iPhone model you own, the LCI might be somewhere else.

Thankfully, Apple created this useful chart to guide you in finding it. You should ask Apple Support for assistance if you are unsure whether the alarm is being caused by liquid exposure.


Don’t be alarmed if your iPhone gets damp and you spot the alert “Liquid Suspected in Lightning Connector”; this is a very regular occurrence.

What you ought to do is:

  • Unplug any cords or extras that are attached to your device.
  • Hold your device so that the Lightning compartment is facing down. Firmly press your phone on the palm of your hand to assist push any fluid out of your device port.
  • Put your iPhone somewhere dry, airy, and open.
  • Before attempting to recharge your smartphone once more, wait at least 30 minutes.

I would highly advise avoiding activating the Emergency Override option unless it is necessary.

If you charge your iPhone with a wet Lightning connector, your phone may become permanently damaged.

The finest thing to do is to allow your device to get dried by air. Be patient, please!